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ABOUT MiteGone®

MiteGone® evaporator pads were designed in 1994 by the beekeeper - for the meet Bill Ruzicka, Mitegone, Bee Mite Treatmentsbeekeeper. The pads have been successfully tested for six years in commercial use by local beekeepers in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Canada. Scientific evaluations were completed since the summer of 2000, and can be read by clicking here.

MiteGone® was designed as an organic honey bee mite treatment in temperate climates against the Varroa and Tracheal mite to delay the development of pesticide resistance by the Varroa mite. Now it is used twice a year as mites are resistant to all known pesticides and effectively control mites see: HOW WE GOT TO ZERO MITES

The beekeeper and developer, Bill Ruzicka (1940-2021), was a professional engineer who in 1980 became a bee breeder. He operated 500 hives for pollination and bee stock production in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia Canada and produced 500 super nukes for Alberta each year. His operations were highly mechanized and extremely organized reflecting his years as an aircraft engineer.

Additionally, Bill registered a patent for the biological control of Varroa using the fungus Hirsutella Thompsonii.

In search of a better method for treating varroa mites with formic acid, that was suitable for a commercial operation, he evaluated many existing methods of Bee Mite Treatments. The formic acid treatment he developed is now used in Canada, USA, New Zealand, Argentina and Europe.

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